

Class record Tuesday 02 May 2017

Thursday 4 May, 2017 -

Class record Tuesday 02 May 2017

As Monday was a bank holiday we moved the training to Tuesday.

Training started with some rolling with emphasis on connecting the roll with a following punch. We did couple of great punch/roll combinations from both standing and kneeling kamae.

After that we moved on to punching drills
1. Jodan uke nagashi
2. Jodan uke nagashi followed by omote shuto

Connecting to those, we practiced Ichimonji no Kata with three different henkas. Each one utilising different kind of block (jodan uke, uke nagashi and dakken uke) and different distances (moving backwards, sideways with yoko aruki and back, forward).

After the break, kyu graded students started to prepare for the grading while rest of the class was practicing four Batto jutsu techniques (sword drawing).

1. Horizontal draw by moving sideways to the right, cutting at the stomach
2. Vertical draw by moving to 45° diagonally backwards to the left (right foot forward), cutting to the wrist
3. Horizontal draw by moving sideways to the left, cutting at the elbow
4. Horizontal draw by moving forward to the left, cutting at the head

