Image of two people in yoroi demonstrating a technique


Ten Chi Ryaku no Maki

Strategies of the Scrolls of Heaven & Earth

Ten Chi Ryaku no Maki


Filmed in Dublin with Duncan Stewart in May 2011, this DVD is based off the first two parts of the three part Ten Chi Jin Ryaku no Maki, or Scrolls of the strategies of Heaven, Earth & Man.

It contains demonstrations of the following technical aspects of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu:

Ten Ryaku no Maki

  • Ukemi Gata Taihenjutsu
  • Kyu Kamae
  • Kihon Happo Gata
  • Gogyo no Kata
  • Shinken Gata Taihenjutsu
  • Hoken Juroppo

Chi Ryaku no Maki

  • Hajutsu Kyu Ho
  • Torite Kihon Dori no Kata
  • Suwari Gata
  • Happo Keri Henka no Koto
  • Gyaku waza
  • Nage Kata
  • Shime Waza Goho

IMPORTANT: Our goal in producing this DVD is to provide a reference for junior students of the Bujinkan Dojo looking for materials to supplement their training in a dojo under a competant teacher. It is NOT a definitive work - merely our best effort to provide something useful.

The Tenchijin Ryaku no Maki is a large and complex work and even senior Japanese shihan fully licensed to teach Hatsumi Sensei’s art often show variations while teaching this material. Our presentation of the material is how we interpreted the techniques on the day of filming. Some of our ideas may have already changed.