

Battojutsu and Raiko no Ken

Thursday 17 September, 2015 - Class record

Battojutsu and Raiko no Ken

The class began with an extended Junan Taiso 柔軟 体操 (stretching exercise) session, then on to kaiten.

Afterwards we practiced Bujinkan Battojutsu - Happo Giri, and moved on to Raiko no Ken 雷光之剣 (lightning sword) from Togakure Ryu Ninja Bikenjutsu.

There was also some dicussion about making use of the mirror at the dojo, and when possible filming ones-self executing movement and kamae etc. We sometimes look at an instructors movement and "feel" we are replicating it, when it's only after observing ourselves do we realise there may be faults that are easily adjusted to make us better practitioners.