

Class record

Tuesday 21 March, 2017 -

Class record

There was another great turnout on trainings on Saturday and Monday. We did a lot of punching drills that were demanding and hard. Great to see so many people giving their best on every training. It nicely fits with our concept of “ninpo” of which the first part is “nin” that means perseverance (picture with the post). 

On Saturday class we did half the training of punching drills;
jodan uke nagashi  
jodan uke nagashi  with gyaku fudo ken
jodan uke with omote shuto.

After that we repeated the two kata from Koto Ryu:

搾撃 Sakugeki – squeeze and strike
擔撃 Tangeki – carry or shoulder and strike

And finished with open mat session for the last half an hour where people continued with drills and kata.


Monday training started with rolling; front, back and sideways.
We then continued with punching drills and for the last part we practiced two new kata from Koto Ryu.

拔技 Batsugi – extracting ability
折倒 Settō – folding knock down

