

Class record Monday 3 April 2017

Tuesday 4 April, 2017 -

Class record Monday 3 April 2017

Great turnout last night on training. 25 people and the dojo was opened earlier so people can add more practice time.

We started the class with punching drills:
1. Jodan uke nagashi
2. Jodan uke nagashi and gyaku tsuki (fudo ken)
3. Jodan uke nagashi and omote shuto

Then we proceeded to first three katas in Kihon Happo:
1. Ichimonji no kata
2. Hicho no kata
3. Jumonji no kata

Next up we repeated the kata from Koto Ryu with some henkas:
括拷 Kakkō – arresting torture

After the break, the black belts continued the Embu preparation and kyu graded students continued with Kihon Happo:
4. Omote gyaku
5. Omote gyaku tsuki
6. Ura gyaku


*Photo by Erich King