By Stiofan O'Conlon
Let me start by saying that what I have written may come across as harsh but this is not intended. It may also sound like I have it all figured out -- I don't, these are just my thoughts and observations.
Martial arts training is something that is deeply personal, it is full of triumph and failure. It is a mirror that is in front of you 365 - 24/7.
It will not flatter you,
It will not try to upset you,
It will show you what is there and nothing more.
Though the amount of time I’ve spent training is but a drop in the ocean, I have spent most of this time 100% committed to the practice, both inside and outside the training hall. My time training has had its ups and downs, and I have felt like I should quit more times than I can count.
But I haven’t because I have realised through this same training that more important to the technique is the heart of the budoka -- fudoshin, the immovable heart. If you can make it past the first few years of ‘foot goes here, hand goes here’ to the point of reaching the mental state of conscious incompetence, then the real work starts.
You will start to recognise the flaws in your form. You may become frustrated by the hours you sink into it when you see no improvement but the whole time you are developing something else - fudoshin.
We all start to train with the intention of learning to defend ourselves but what you will come to realise is that while physical defense is of course something to be concerned about, mental defence is just as important and has an impact on everything within your world and those who share it with you.
Focus your time wisely. Understand that one million techniques may not be enough to defend you against everything in this world. But by developing the heart of the budoka you will notice the other martial components begin to fall into place.
It is said there is no competition within our martial art, but there is. You are competing with yourself, constantly and for some, this opponent will be more of a match than any other!
The best advice I've been given, and I would like to share with you is this - you can't speed up your progress, it will happen when it happens. But that is not to say you don’t have to try your very best.
You have to be 'switched on' every second you spend training or even thinking about training because every moment provides the potential for the penny to drop!
If you aren't present, you might miss it.
四拳 波羅蜜 大光明 (Shiken Haramitsu Daikoumyo)