

Kosshijutsu and Battojutsu

Thursday 11 June, 2015 - Class record

Kosshijutsu and Battojutsu

A good turnout tonight, Red started us off with some drilling; focussing mainly on zenpo geri and taka no mai. Roland then led the rolling with an interesting and fresh look at the basics. Ura Gyaku 裏逆 (inside reversal) was the main lesson in tonights taijutsu. It is part of the Torite Kihon Gata 捕手基本型 (hand capture foundation forms) from Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu, and the 6th waza in the Kihon Happo. The senior dan ranks got to practice 2 of the henka for ura gyaku, before moving on to more Bujinkan Battojutsu for the end of the class. This time we got through the first four draw to cut movements. The necessity for drilling these cuts tens of thousands of times, becomes even more apparent.

"In times of war, the warrior raises his hoko to protect justice."