

Waiting . . . and watching

Sunday 14 February, 2021 -

Waiting . . . and watching

The dojo is in stasis, for now, but we'll be ready when it becomes possible to train again later this year.

With apologies for the lack of updates here, I thought I'd add a quick update on what's going on. We're almost a year into the Covid 19 pandemic and luckily nobody connected to the dojo has become ill. Vaccination is currently underway in Ireland, and the government here has suggested that the entire population will be vaccinated by September of this year. So where does that leave the dojo?

We're taking our lead from the Irish Martial Arts Commission, and while we aren't (yet) formal members, we're happy that this body is following best practice. So we're not holding classes at our dojo at the moment. 2021 is the tenth year we've been at our currently location and our fantastic landlord has been really helpful in making sure that we will weather this storm. In addition, the students at the dojo are keeping things going so once it becomes safe to hold classes again, we'll be able to do that.

So at the moment, training is taking place twice a week via Zoom and we're focusing on all the things that we can do that don't require training partners - stretching, flexibility, fitness and working on our form. In the meantime, we're completing some projects that will allow us to bounce back stronger than before. So, if you're interested in training, head on over to the beginners section of this site and leave your email address so that we can get in touch when it's time to get back at it.
