Image of two people in yoroi demonstrating a technique


Duncan Stewart - Dublin 2011 Seminar

Theme: Kihon Happo / Budo Taijutsu

Duncan Stewart - Dublin 2011 Seminar


This DVD contains a record of a two day seminar held in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2011.

The theme for the seminar was Duncan’s Stewart’s interpretation of the Bujinkan Dojo theme for 2011 of Kihon Happo and Budo Taijutsu. Over the course of the weekend, Duncan instructed seminar attendants in a vibrant and engaging mix of basics taken from the Bujinkan system as well as in flowing henka variations and positional awareness.

About the teacher:
Duncan Stewart is a 15th dan Shihan in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu who has lived in Japan training directly with Hatsumi Soke and his senior Shihan for the last seven years. He has become well known for his dedication to training and his masterful understanding of the basics as well as his ability to communicate the essence of the Bujinkan arts through his international seminars.

He is one of the few foreigners to teach Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu in Japan, at his dojo in Kashiwa City.